There are enough blogs out there already written about rock climbing. There are not enough pictures of looking fierce while climbing. This page is intended to rectify this.
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Looking fierce in the Verdon. Photo credit: Tom Richmond |
Ferocity is hard to pin down. It can involve lycra, tie dye, or floral patterns. However, it is essentially a state of mind. For example, the next photo doesn't involve any exciting outfits but is nevertheless rather ferocious:
Blue Steel in Staffordshire. |
Similarly, these guys have clearly just done some fierce climbing, although the tie dye shirt does score bonus points.
Fierce climbers in Greenland. Source: Jacob Cook's blog |
In the last photo, ferocious climbing and fiercely pink leggings unite. Lynn Hill did some of the most badass climbs in the world while maintaining an incredible 80s perm. Without photographic evidence, I would have believed this impossible.
Lynn Hill being heroic. |
I may at some point actually write about my own climbing experiences, but if this does happen I can only apologise. Stay tuned for photos of a Hawaiian party on a portaledge!